the Hive Kennedy Town

Online: Tools for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Anxiety Relief

Join us for a session with a Mental Health professional – Christine Deschemin on the benefits of hypnotherapy and how it can help you manage stress and anxiety.
Register here, and we’ll send you a Zoom link shortly after:
:calendar: Date: 4 June 2020
:clock3: Time: 1:00 PM to 1:35 PM (HKT)
:round_pushpin:Where: Online – Zoom
Our host Christine Deschemin is a certified hypnotherapist and founder of the Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy Centre in Hong Kong.  After a career in aeronautical engineering and finance, she foresaw the increased need for solutions-focused wellness and opened the first hypnotherapy centre in HongKong.
What you’ll learn from this wellness seminar:
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